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Tots Times

Issue 1  Katie Bruck

April 2001

Springtime is Near

Spring is coming and the Spring Concert is just around the corner.  Help your kids prepare by practicing the songs sent home with them. We hope to have a great turnout this year and preparation is the key!  The soloists this year will be Martin Stamp, Julia Smith, and Johnny Beesworth.

Remember: Spirit Week!

Monday: Pajama Day

Tuesday: Hippie Day

Wednesday: Nerd Day

Thursday: Opposites Day

Friday: Spirit Day (wear School colors)

Awards will be given for the best dressed each day, so show your school spirit and DRESS     UP!


Our school will be offering a technology course for those of you who are computer illiterate!  Many of you have been asking about the many uses of technology and computers, so we are going to implement a class for you!  We have a professional coming in to teach the


class. The class will be on Wednesday nights from 6:00-9:00 p.m.  Hurry and sign up because we have limited openings!  This is a great experience and you will learn many new things.  Hope to see you then!

  Easter Egg Hunt

We will be holding our annual Easter Egg Hunt for grades K-3.  If your child is going to participate, we ask them to bring their own basket to hold the goodies they collect.  Refreshments are available, so bring the whole family!


We will be celebrating this month’s birthday with a party in the gym on Friday March 30. The party will go from 1:30-3:00.  Parents are welcome to attend!  Wish these people a Happy Birthday:

Bobby Johnson:             March 2

Jenny Childs:                 March 8

Angie Porter:                 March 15

Justin Pauley:                 March 22

 Dylan Cooper                March 30



Our annual fundraiser will be held next Saturday, April 7.  Please come and help our school achieve our goal.  We are trying to exceed last year’s amount of $144,632.  If you cannot attend donations are still welcome!  You can drop off your donations in the office or send them to:

Time for Tots            

1564 N. 154tStreet 

Omaha, NE 51543


Book it!

Remember to encourage your children to read those books.  Your child must complete at least 5 book reports per month in order to get a coupon for a free pizza at Pizza Hut.  To help promote book reading, we have decided to have a grand prize at the end of the year for the child in each grade who has read the most books.  We still haven’t decided on the grand prizes so any suggestions would be helpful!


Cheerleading Camp

The high school cheerleaders will be holding their annual cheerleading camp.  It will be after school on April 16-20.  They will then perform their cheers at a banquet on April 20th.  Come support those cheerleaders! 

Field Trip

First Graders will be taking a field trip on Thursday, April 12th.  They will have the opportunity to go to the zoo and visit the new white alligator!  They have been studying about animals and their different habitats.  We want to encourage parents to come.  A sheet will be sent home discussing it in greater detail.  Remember your child needs to bring a snack lunch because we will be eating there at the zoo!



The high school students have been coming in to our school and helping in the classrooms.  The students are really enjoying it and we have gotten a lot of positive feedback.  We are planning to hold a picnic for the high school students to show our gratitude.  It would be nice to have the children there to help show our support.  We encourage ALL families to attend.  The picnic will be held on Friday, April 27th at Potter’s Park.  Hope to see you there!


No School April 2,12,13,16,27,&30.






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